Evasive Driving Course
This two-day course is designed specifically for individuals who are at risk of terrorist or criminal attacks while they are in transit, or moving from one location to another. The course is designed to help these individuals proactively protect themselves against potential attacks, by teaching them a range of skills and techniques that they can use to avoid or escape danger while they are in transit. The course emphasizes a proactive approach to protection, and focuses on teaching students how to recognize and respond to potential threats in a timely and effective manner. The course consists of the following training exercises:
- Fundamental Vehicle Control: techniques for managing the vehicle, including weight and traction transfer, proper use of eyes and body position, threshold braking, swerving to avoid objects, and skid recovery
- Backing Y & J Turns: maneuvering around obstacles at high speeds using Y and/or J turns
- Driver Down - Passenger Front Seat Driving: techniques for maintaining control and escaping an attack while driving from the passenger seat
- Technical/Street Line Driving: using racing line theory to read and negotiate a roadway at elevated speeds, managing vehicle control, weight and traction transfer, and stress and adrenaline
- Close Proximity Driving: maneuvering the vehicle between moving objects in congested areas without making physical contact
- Precision Intervention Technique (PIT): using the vehicle as a weapon to immobilize an attacker
- Barricade Breaching (RAM): ramming through a barricade blocking the path of travel
- Attack Recognition: understanding historical cases of attacks and recognizing indicators of attacks on individuals while in transit
- Barricade Confrontations: conducting multiple attack scenarios in an armored vehicle and executing escape maneuvers
- Car Shoot Demonstration: shooting a vehicle with common military munitions and discussing perforation issues
- Sport Utility Vehicle Familiarization: recognizing the differences in driver inputs and capabilities in a high-center of gravity SUV
- Armored Vehicle Familiarization: recognizing the differences in driver inputs and capabilities in a high-center of gravity fully armored vehicle (optional, extra cost per student)
- Right-Hand Drive Familiarization: recognizing the differences in driver inputs and capabilities in a high-center of gravity right-hand drive SUV (optional, extra cost per student)
- Improvised Explosive Device Vehicle Search: familiarizing with different types of improvised explosive devices that may be placed on or around a vehicle and conducting a search for explosive devices
- Attack Scenarios: participating in simulated vehicle attacks with paintball, blank ammunition, and roadside IED simulators
Upcoming Evasive Driving Training Events:
31 March 2025 - 02 April 2025
Evasive & Security Driving
Summit Point Training Center, Summit Point, WV
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